Picking through the rubble of memory
Part one of an epic interview with the amazing comics journalist Joe Sacco, author of “Palestine.”
Part one of an epic interview with the amazing comics journalist Joe Sacco, author of “Palestine.”
Israeli settlers and the Israeli government are illegally occupying Palestine and committing cultural genocide as they do it. It is the Israeli Holocaust, following 60 years, shamefully, on the heels of the Nazi Holocaust. Only this genocide is taking a lot longer to conduct. What they are doing is wrong, illegal, and unconscionable to anyone who gives a damn about human rights. Western media has been complicit in these crimes against the Palestinians, as was recently indicated by the BBC’s refusal to air a humanitarian PSA for the people of…read more
Two prominant popular culture, politics and technologies magazines have been etching into the concrete-like blanket of one-sided reporting on Israel’s brutal assault on Gaza by corporate media the world over (with the exception of The Guardian which has been true to its form in presenting the facts of this asymmetrical aggression against Palestinian civilians). The two magazines are Adbusters from Canada and Wired from the US. The timing of this invasion is said to have been long-planned for the liminal moment when US presidents where in transition, when the Western…read more
My 2009 Happy New Year blurb.
I just received this from PAJU (Palestinian and Jewish Unity) this morning: Israel must rid itself of Zionist terrorists. On the night of September 24, Israeli professor Zeev Sternhell was wounded by a bomb put at his doorstep. Who is Zeev Sternhell? He is an Israeli historian who has expressed empathy for the Palestinian struggle. That’s why he was attacked. Who is Zeev Sternhell? He is a holocaust survivor who fought in three of Israel’s wars. He thinks that the Israeli occupation of the West Bank is a cancer that…read more