Shout out
Just a quick shout out to all of you who apparently are kind of regularly reading this here blog and also to the handful of you who have sent me kind words. It’s nice to know that when you are speaking to the vast and indiscernable void that is cyberspace, that there are actually some real humans at the other end listening and even communicating back. Thanks!
Some updates: I’ve finished my textbook chapter with Ira Wagman for the next edition of the undergraduate communication studies textbook Mediascapes. Our chapter is called: Canadian Cultural Policy in the Age of Media Abundance: Old Challenges, New Technologies. The collaborative writing process on this one has been a great experience – the back-and-forth between myself and someone who is my senior (in experience, as a professor and published academic) was rewarding and fun. You end up learning about your writing in different ways – adjusting to blend with the other person, responding to their writing and comments, etc. All in all, I think we wrote a pretty solid chapter and I feel fortunate to have been asked to participate.
That leaves the Challenge for Change book. I have until the end of the month to do a complete final draft on my chapter that I’ve written with Jason Garrison, plus a final edit on the seven other chapters I’m responsible for, plus assemble a comprehensive bibliography for the whole book. Yes, it’s exhausting just reading that list of to-dos. But once that’s done, I just have two 35 page papers to write by xmas and I’m done with course work baby!
In Cinema Politica news, we have a start-up local in Indonesia, which is very cool. We have some annoying person or insitution hassling us and our government partners with a Freedom to Information Request. It feels quite intrusive, having someone who we’ll never learn the identity of, go through all your emails, and other correspondence with the Canada Arts Council and the NFB. We have a hunch who this might be, but only a hunch. Also, we’re going out to BC (Svetla and myself) at the end of the month for four days to meet with Michael Goodman from the Goodman Foundation to see about a possible collaboration. Wish us luck!
Now, it’s off to the bus for my weekly funtrip to Ottawa…