Go Madison!
[Originally posted on Art Threat] The above video, shot and edited by 22-year old videographer Matt Wisiniewski, transforms footage of Wisconsin activists demonstrating, marching, speaking, singing and occupying into a beautiful montage music video. While the political context is not present in such works (why they are protesting, what’s at stake, etc) Wisniewski’s talented hand crafts an electrifying, inspirational and emotional ode to popular uprising, dissent and critical public intervention. This video, which is more like a music video (complete with the ever-popular Arcade Fire as soundtrack) than a documentary, is a fine compendium to the news pieces and documentaries about last week’s massive uprising in Madison, Wisconsin, in the face of anti-union legislation.
Young university students have led the way in this intervention, disproving cynical pundits who decry the digital native generation’s proclivity to gazing and tapping into digital communication devices. It’s exciting to not only see the students, workers and general population of Madison stand up for fair wages, collective bargaining rights and accessible education (among other things), but incredibly inspiring to see such actions transformed into the kinds of media Wisniewski has shared with the world. Bravo and On Wisconsin!!!