First Wal-Town screening

Posted by in Doc Side, Projects

Wal-Town Group in front of Wal-MartLast night in the bunker at 80 St Viatuer East, about one hundred bodies packed into the small underground space to sweat like we were in the tropics and watch the first public offering of the Wal-Town documentary. Serge and the Loaded Pictures crew were trying to pay rent by selling drinks to the sweaty crowd, and capacity was shoulder-to-shoulder. In the end it was a great grassroots screening, and the film seemed to elicit an overall positive response.

Many people kept coming up to me and congratulating me on the film, i had to explain that i’m just a character in the doc, and didn’t make it but that exhausted, spent dutchman over there (pointing to Sergeo) did. Many seem to think the film will be very popular. I still have problems with the film, but i’m quite close to it, so they are mostly about what i feel was left out and shouldn’t have been. But Serge and everyone did a fine job of delivering a documentary that is one part Wal-Mart critique and two parts deconstructing activism. It will be a good film for anyone involved in activism or who is thinking of getting involved: it shows our ups and downs, our tactics, strategies and most of all it shows how bloody hard it is to be positive, effective, and go against the mainstream. Once the sound is cleaned up, i think we’ll have a good film on our hands to grassroots promote.