Dropping and learning
This is what has taken me so many years to learn: Fight the addictive proclivity toward saying “yes” to every request, as well as to my own ideas for constantly new projects. Ack.
I’ve recently had to say no to writing an article on Media Democracy – an honour really, and it sucks that I have no time. I’ve also postponed guest lecturing in a undergraduate class on Canadian film. I’ve indefinitely postponed the “Terrorism(s)” conference and film festival. And yet, where do the days go…
On my plate still:
- Cinema Politica stuff, including a November 1st deadline to the Canada Council for the Arts for an operating grant
- Two book reviews, 2,000 words each. One down, one to go.
- Challenge for Change book proposal: nearly there.
- Two monster papers for my two graduate classes, plus papers for upcoming conferences.
- Big Brothers committments: every second Sunday I hang out with Tyrell for four hours (this is hardly work!)
- Jury member for RIDM: I’ve only watched five of the twenty films I need to judge on. Deadline: November 18th.
- School readings, presentations, and Teaching Assistant duties…
Thought I’d put up that here to see it in one place. I’m sure I’m missing things as well…Oh well, I’m off for a swim…