Done, done and doner
Short post of revelation: I successfully handed in my LAST paper for a required course ever. I wrote a 30+ paper for Ira Wagman on critical pedagogy and Communication Studies for my last required course of my PhD last week. I’ve spent a few days chilling out, and now it’s back to work. I need to get my Second Comprehensive Exam in order (a 35-40 page essay due in the spring) and begin putting together my 15 page PhD Thesis Proposal. I also have agreed to present papers on two panels in the upcoming May Congress Conference at Carleton that need to be written (one on representations of terrorism in documentary and one on teaching documentary and the politics of truth in the classroom). And of course Cinema Politica always casts its insanely all-consuming shadow over myself and Svetla….As soon as I figure out this complicated update of WordPress I shall return to normal blogging. Until then…