ezra winton

Best Canadian Essays 2014

Posted by in Writing

A couple of weeks ago I had the honour and privilege to be invited as a guest to a book launch in Toronto for a yearly anthology published by Tightrope Books called Best Canadian Essays. My POV Magazine essay, Upping the Anti: Documentary, Capitalism and Liberal Consensus in an Age of Austerity was selected by the series editor, Christopher Doda and this year’s guest co-edtior Natalie Zina Walschots. It is such a huge thrill to be selected among the hundreds of articles these editors read throughout the year—from over 60…read more


POV Magazine

Posted by in Doc Side, Writing

When Marc Glassman, the editor of POV magazine, asked me to join the publication as the newest contributing editor last year I was honoured. As Canada’s only source of writing on documentary culture, politics and production, the quarterly has been my go-to on all things doc for some time. Started by the Canadian Independent Film Caucus (now the Documentary Organization of Canada) in 1993 along with the Hot Docs film festival, POV delivers articles on documentary policy, production, and distribution, as well as film reviews and interviews. I recently checked…read more


A documentary decade

Posted by in Doc Side, Writing

It’s reading break, and between Svetla’s birthday, a roudy trip to Quebec City for Carnival, and some recent private screenings with friends and drinks, I am trying to clear the cobwebs before the reading begins. The film we recently previewed over a few beer was Terror’s Advocate, worth checking out, but not a great doc to wade into without a truckload of a priori knowledge. The film covers so much historical ground that I was often lost and need of rest stops with a bit more clarification. Still, a very…read more


2008 begins with a discernable workload thud

Posted by in Academix, Writing

I’m back. Ira Wagman, my new professor for “Entertainment Studies,” has advised us all to try to write for at least one hour per day. I’m going to take him up on it, and when I’m not blogging for Art Threat or writing papers and presentations and articles, I’ll use the writing time to post here. I spent the weekend sorting out Cinema Politica stuff – the network has gone crazy, too many locals for me to handle and now people in Manchester and Berlin want to join. This is…read more