ezra winton

Wal-Town is number two!

Posted by in Doc Side, Projects

Just a quick hurrah: it seems that right now the documentary on the project I helped create – Wal-Town – is the number two most purchased/ordered NFB film in the educational division. This means that across Canada, teachers and librarians are ordering many, many copies of Wal-Town The Film. This is amazing news, both for Sergeo Kirby, the director, and for the gang of us who put the project into action. We always thought the film was an important aspect of reaching a wider audience, and now it seems we’re…read more


Exhausted and Departing

Posted by in Dispatches, Projects

A journalist for Uptown Magazine in Winnipeg interviewed me recently about our upcoming WAL-TOWN TOUR 2007 and asked me what we wanted to accomplish with this campaign and whether we are anti Wal-Mart. I answered: We are anti Wal-Mart. If Wal-Mart was a corporation that supported it’s employee’s rights to organize, if they were accountable to the citizens in the towns they move into instead of only to their shareholders, if they had progressive environmental policies that were sustainable, if they weren’t the largest retail force on the planet that…read more


Wal-Town Tour take THREE

Posted by in Doc Side, Projects

It’s true, it’s true. In the midst of end of semester insanity, the crew at überculture has decided to be even more insane and launch a third tour across Canada to kick some Wal-butt. If you’re reading this you probably already know about the Wal-Town Tour 2007 and our project, but if you’ve just stumbled here then you should really read about our initiative at our Project Site. Basically four of us characters from the film are going to split up with two going west to BC and up to…read more


Blogs and Wal-Mart

Posted by in Personal Travails, Projects

The photo on the left is one of many great photos that Luna took for us at our wedding party. We’ll be putting all 100+ of them on line sometime soon, so keep checking here. In other news, überculture members are going across the country on another Wal-Town Tour and are trying to raise cash, so if you’re reading this and are itching to donate to something worthwhile, visit the Wal-Town Site. We’ve raised $5 out of a goal of 5,000 so far…. But alas, things will be slowing down…read more


First Wal-Town screening

Posted by in Doc Side, Projects

Last night in the bunker at 80 St Viatuer East, about one hundred bodies packed into the small underground space to sweat like we were in the tropics and watch the first public offering of the Wal-Town documentary. Serge and the Loaded Pictures crew were trying to pay rent by selling drinks to the sweaty crowd, and capacity was shoulder-to-shoulder. In the end it was a great grassroots screening, and the film seemed to elicit an overall positive response. Many people kept coming up to me and congratulating me on…read more