ezra winton

Shit Harper Did

Posted by in Broadsides

Check out ShitHarperDid.ca for many more great videos and reasons why we shouldn’t vote for the politician who out-Bushed Bush.


Steven Rosenshein finally de-robed

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OK maybe there is a god. I’ve just taken a gander at damning documents from Concordia’s health care provider that show details of how the little politico-miscreant Steven Rosenshein tried to bribe ASEQ – attempting to elicit 25,000 in cold hard cash from them as, an, er, “campaign contribution.” (including a sworn affidavit) Rosenshein and the other disgusting bunch of self-serving liars that seized Concordia’s student union back in 2003 are responsible for many things on campus, and they extend WAY beyond broken campaign promises like free laptops and heated…read more


Bush out, Obama in – a day well wasted…

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Yes folks, I spent the day at home watching live TV stream from BBC, Al Jazeera, and the CBC of President Obama’s inauguration. I am not, categorically, NOT, an Obama-cynic. Yes he’s not perfect; yes, he hired a former IDF soldier as a top-end staff position; yes, he’s soft on Israel; yes he “believes in the market”; and yes he’s exercised bellicose rhetoric to issue in the ghosts of Iran, North Korea and other “enemies of America.” But, he’s Obama. He’s a man who went through university on student loans,…read more


Israel’s info wars

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Two prominant popular culture, politics and technologies magazines have been etching into the concrete-like blanket of one-sided reporting on Israel’s brutal assault on Gaza by corporate media the world over (with the exception of The Guardian which has been true to its form in presenting the facts of this asymmetrical aggression against Palestinian civilians). The two magazines are Adbusters from Canada and Wired from the US. The timing of this invasion is said to have been long-planned for the liminal moment when US presidents where in transition, when the Western…read more


Bond ubiquity and the compliance of the “alternative press”

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On November 19th I began writing a review of the brilliant documentary No More Smoke Signals (pictured) for Art Threat. We had just had a fabulous screening of the film, with the director present, at Cinema Politica here in Montreal, and I was (and continue to be) frustrated at the compliance of so-called “alternative” arts and culture publications in the 24-7 promotion of mainstream cinema crapola. The Bond film was everywhere, and actually, a peruse through our neighbourhood magazine shop yesterday has revealed that this Bond BS is STILL permeating…read more