Bush out, Obama in – a day well wasted…
Yes folks, I spent the day at home watching live TV stream from BBC, Al Jazeera, and the CBC of President Obama’s inauguration. I am not, categorically, NOT, an Obama-cynic. Yes he’s not perfect; yes, he hired a former IDF soldier as a top-end staff position; yes, he’s soft on Israel; yes he “believes in the market”; and yes he’s exercised bellicose rhetoric to issue in the ghosts of Iran, North Korea and other “enemies of America.” But, he’s Obama. He’s a man who went through university on student loans, raised by atheists, in Hawaii, Indonesia, Kenya and America. He’s pro-gay marriage, pro-abortion, against prayer in schools and against school vouchers.
And he’s a whole bunch of other stuff too, but hell, who cares – HE’S NOT THE INTERNATIONAL WAR CRIMINAL GEORGE WALKER BUSH!!! Bush is out, Obama is IN!! Time to rejoice my friends!!! That is why I bring you this news clip that blew my mind. Thank you to Vero for sending it along. Folks, for all my ramblings and rants against Western Corporate Media (WCM) this is an exception to the case. This 8 minute plus rant ran a few days ago on MSNBC – a very much mainstream corporate network. And my good god, I am literally blown away that it ran. Watch it please, and pass it along. It is an amazingly concise tally of Bush’s crimes while in office. Yes, things are left out, but what is included…well, you be the judge…
Rahm Emanuele was not an IDF soldier. He volunteered for a short time fixing truck brakes during the Gulf War. That said, this rumour does circulate, generally with the canard that he is a dual citizen of Israel and somehow compromised.
Olbmermann’s been doing stuff like this for a few years, and good on him.