Bottled water and a new blog look
You’ve probably noticed by now that I’ve switched my blog over to WordPress, and the snazzy digs have inspired me to get back into posting. Right now I’m concerned about submitting my finished thesis to the Graduate Studies Office of Concordia, but soon after that, I’ll be setting aside time to post the odd rant here.
For now, I’d like to point you in the direction of a great article I’ve just found on line. I’ve been doing some research for Liz Miller’s documentary film The Water Front, and well as you could probably guess, one of the big “water issues” is bottled water. I’m sure as I continue researching I’ll be posting all kinds of wonderful facts here about the privatization of this public resource that billions still do not have direct access to. So to tide you over, if you’re interested in the environment and health, you’ll want to check out the two links.
To read Paul Goetlich’s excellent article, “Get Plastic out of your Diet,” go here.
For a full list of facts and figures on water in Canada, such as the fact that a ten minute shower uses 100 Liters of (drinking) water, go to this great CBC resource page.