Blogs and Wal-Mart

Posted by in Personal Travails, Projects

wedding_web1.jpgThe photo on the left is one of many great photos that Luna took for us at our wedding party. We’ll be putting all 100+ of them on line sometime soon, so keep checking here. In other news, überculture members are going across the country on another Wal-Town Tour and are trying to raise cash, so if you’re reading this and are itching to donate to something worthwhile, visit the Wal-Town Site. We’ve raised $5 out of a goal of 5,000 so far…. But alas, things will be slowing down for me soon, I just had my last class of the semester and of my MA in general, last night, and now I have two papers to write and I’m done. By the 18th I need to write one 25 page paper, one 15 pager and hand in my 25 page BBC project. Then I go in for a little surgery, and voila, it’s Holiday time! It’s snowing beautifully here in Montreal, signs that winter has thus arrived. Its great weather for writing and reading, which is what I’ve been doing all morning, only I haven’t been reading books, I’ve been reading friends blogs…So out there in the ever-expanding blogosphere are some of my friends, writing great stuff and offering it up to the great wide electronic frontier. I’m going to list a few of them here, and you should really consider checking them out, you won’t be bored. Also, as with our other Wal-Town Tours, the 2007 expedition will include a daily travel blog of our adventures, only this time we’re going to add a video blog. We leave in two groups on January 20th, with Rob and myself heading to Winnipeg, then West and up to the Yukon and the NWT and back. Jason and Tim will head from Montreal to the Maritimes, traversing the east coast all the way up to Newfoundland and Labrador, back down through northern Quebec and home. It should be a crazy, fast-paced political adventure. We’ll be screening the Wal-Town film all along the way this time, which should make our presentation a little more exciting. Anyway, I digress, here’s some great friends blogs:

Within and Without: Expandind Fortress Europe

Elise Hugus blogs on the CitizenShift Site from Serbia. Thoughts on travel, politics, poverty and EU expansion with photos. Elise is an amazing journalist and freelance writer, so don’t miss out on her blog! Blog Link.

Women Boxers India

Anna Sarkissian and Ameesha Joshi blog about women boxers in India. This is a production blog about making a documentary on well, you guessed it, women boxers in India. Very interesting stuff, and also on the CitizenShift Site. Blog Link.

Beirut Blues

Maria Abi-Habib blogs from embattled Beirut on a country trying to recover from the devasting brutal attack from the mperialist nation Israel. As soon as Maria sends me the link, I’ll post it. Until then…