2008 begins with a discernable workload thud

Posted by in Academix, Writing

nocaptionneeded.jpgI’m back. Ira Wagman, my new professor for “Entertainment Studies,” has advised us all to try to write for at least one hour per day. I’m going to take him up on it, and when I’m not blogging for Art Threat or writing papers and presentations and articles, I’ll use the writing time to post here.

I spent the weekend sorting out Cinema Politica stuff – the network has gone crazy, too many locals for me to handle and now people in Manchester and Berlin want to join. This is why I applied to the Canada Council for funding. We desperately need it.

Other than that, I went rollerskating with Tyrell and worked at not breaking any bones. Baked some delicious sundried tomato, thyme and walnut spelt bread. Now I’ve got to write a presentation for my class. More interesting posts are sure to follow.

Of interest: Concordia pays off former president nearly $2 million to resign. Disgusting. And the University of Ottawa reports a $67 million surplus for last year but refuses to meet the demands of deaf students by providing hearing assistance at the Friday Cinema Politica screenings there. Ah, the corporate crunch of education…

Lastly, I’m reading a great book for my PhD class, “The Philosophy of the Image” with Michael Dorland. The book (pictured above) is called No Caption Needed: Iconic Photographs, Public Culture, and Liberal Democracy, and even has it’s own blog. It’s snowing right now and that has put me in the mood to listen to Antony and the Johnsons and get my presentation done..